EDIUS X Version 10.10 released Grass Valley today releases EDIUS X version 10.10. A number of useful functions have been added to the software and several bugs fixed. As always, EDIUS X users receive the update to version 10.10 free of charge. Here you can download the new EDIUS X version 10.10 directly. This version includes the following new features:... EVENTS 15 Dec 2020 Юлий Назаров Edius, Ediusx, GrassValley, GV
Швидкий монтаж з оновленим Edius Pro 8.2 Компанія GrassValley випустила чергове оновлення програми Edius Pro 8.2 – найшвидший й універсальний пакет інструментів для редагування любих відео-форматів від 24х24 до SD, HD, 4K, в реальному часі. Для тих хто раніше придбав офіційний пакет Edius – оновлення безкоштовне. Edius Pro 8.2 це ідеальний інструмент для будь якого професійного продакшена, у тому числі й виробництво... EVENTS 7 Jun 2016 Олег Билым 4k, Comtel, Edius, edius8.2, GrassValley, raw, Stratus
Educational Media Center Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko Custommer: KNU Taras Schevchenko Mission: to creat a hardware-studio block for educational purposes Results: built training studio, which is equipped with a versatile set of lighting equipment (fluorescent devices Arri, Kinoflo, devices drawing light Arri, Dedolight), control system DMX (remote controls ETC SmartFade 1248, dimeric units DLL), hanging system based on a typical rail system... 2013 21 Jan 2013 Юлий Назаров ARRI, Dedolight, Diva-lite, Edius, ETC, HP, JVC, kino flo, Secced, SmartFade, Tegra
ATR – the first Crimean Tatar channel Customer: TV channel 'ATR' Implementation of the project: November 2011 The company Comtel fulfilled all the necessary scope of work: - project development; - Development and production of specialized technological furniture; - Supply and installation of equipment; - training. Features of the project: For studio lighting was designed hanging rail system, making it easy to... 2011 11 Feb 2011 Юлий Назаров Acappella, Allen&Heath, Dedolight, Desklite, DMT, DXC-D55, Edius, ETC, Grass Valley, IMAGE, Kayak DD-1, kino flo, Parabeam, Parazip, Performer 32х16, Riedel, Sennheiser, SmartFade, Sony, TitleBox, Turbo iDDR2