Studio renovation project for UATV Customer: UATV Mission: reconstruction and re-equipment of production studio in accordance with modern requirements of studio production Results: won a tender for the reconstruction of the production studio. A set of modern studio lighting equipment was supplied and the studio's suspension system was reconstructed. A movable rail system with mechanical gear pantographs MTS (Germany) was... 2018 6 Feb 2019 Юлий Назаров DMX, LED, ledgo, Lighting, Megaled, MTS, pantograph, rgbled, studio, Yegrin
Media Center of the US Embassy in Ukraine Customer: US Embassy in Ukraine Mission: build a studio for TV filming Results: carried out a complete cycle of project development, installation and training of technical personnel. In the new studio mounted rail-carriage system for lighting with the suspension type drop-arm MTS, has a double rail road background. The studio is equipped with a universal... 2014 20 Jan 2014 Юлий Назаров ARRI, ETC, MTS, SmartFade, vs-light
The lighting system for the main channel studio ‘UBG’ Customer: Media Holding Corporation 'UBG' Development and installation of lighting system for a studio of 150 m2. Implementation of the project: March 2012. The company Comtel fulfilled all the necessary list of works: - project development; - supply and installation of equipment; - training. Studio hanger system consists of two zones with different levels due... 2012 9 Oct 2012 Юлий Назаров Dedolight, DMX, ETC, Imara, kino flo, MTS, MTS SZM25, Parabeam, Parazip, Smart Fade 1296